October 12, 2015
As the world spirals out of control (and not from global climate change), there is increasing debate these days as to the role being played by Obama and his Administration in fueling the fire. To those who acknowledge that Obama's foreign policy has been a complete disaster for the United States and the free world, the debate is whether he is intentionally causing the global chaos and turmoil through his actions and policies, or whether the chaos and turmoil are the result of his foreign policy incompetence. (In addition to addressing this debate, I also hope to demonstrate that Obama's foreign policy is, in fact, a total failure for the United States and the free world.) Interestingly, more and more so-called experts and analysts are coming to the conclusion that Obama is intentionally and deliberately acting and using his policies to cause the global maelstrom we are witnessing and living in today. To them I say, welcome aboard.
In my mind, I have no doubt that Obama is intentionally sabotaging America and the free world and causing much of the chaos and turmoil we are witnessing today. Do not get me wrong, I think there is more than enough foreign policy incompetence to go around among members of his Administration. Secretary of State, John Kerry, immediately comes to mind. But Obama and many others in his Administration are successfully accomplishing what they intentionally set out to do. Let me try to substantiate my claim.
For starters, it is common knowledge that Obama vowed to fundamentally transform America and the world. These are his own words. Not mission impossible, as some people may have hoped and thought, but rather, mission accomplished. In fact, he has been extraordinarily successful and has accomplished much in a very short period of time. And, regrettably, there will be plenty more to come.
To accomplish the transformation, Obama has consistently adhered to his radical left, anti-America and anti-Israel, and pro-Muslim ideologies domestically and internationally. He has weakened America militarily, economically and socially, and successfully divided the country. He has repeatedly apologized to the world for America and what it stands for, and increasingly shows his hate for America's past. He has used his apology tours to implement his lead from behind foreign policy strategy, which has had a direct and profound adverse impact on world affairs.
Obama supported the Arab Spring debacle, leading to much of the havoc in the world today. He supported the overthrow of more moderate and secular dictatorships, such as those of Mubarak in Egypt and Gaddafi in Libya. In Egypt, he welcomed and, unbelievably, helped fund the radical Islamic terrorist group, the Muslim Brotherhood, which replaced Mubarak. When that terrorist organization was ousted, Obama cried foul and has refused to acknowledge the current moderate leader of Egypt, el-Sisi. The same el-Sisi who courageously spoke out at the UN about the need to combat Muslim fanaticism and extremists. Obama's actions and policies here seem much more calculated than incompetent.
On Obama's watch, we are on the verge of not one Islamic caliphate, but two. Fortunately, the two potential Islamic caliphates, Iran and the Islamic State, are competing against each other. My money is on Iran, especially as it has now strengthened its friendship with Russia. This despite the fact that Obama and his 62 country coalition have not toppled, but have actually propped up, the Islamic State while wasting tons of money training ineffective Syrian rebel groups, or, more precisely, a humiliatingly few individual rebels. After Russia and Iran strategically finish off these and other Syrian rebel groups, they likely will turn their attention to the Islamic State, which will be no match for them. Predictably, Obama will then spout off about how that was his plan to defeat the Islamic State all along and that Iran and Russia make such terrific bedfellows. The bottom line, though, is that Islamic caliphates do not just spring up by chance.
Sticking with Iran, Obama had the chance to support Iran's Green Movement, a peaceful and pro-democratic organization, when it demonstrated and protested against fraudulent elections in Iran in 2009. Instead, Obama supported the radical Islamic clerics of Iran, and sat idly by as they crushed and massacred members of the Green Movement. So, while he went out of his way to openly and vocally support the ousters of more moderate and secular leaders in Muslim countries, he was deaf, dumb and blind when it came Iran's turn notwithstanding its radical Islamic terrorist leadership. Here again, Obama's actions and policies seem much more deliberate than incompetent.
Obama has since gone out of his way to strengthen and embolden Iran, the all around most dangerous country on the planet today. He has rammed a terrible nuclear deal with Iran down the throat of the international community, particularly America, Israel and the Arab Gulf States. He touted Russia, China and the UN as proponents of the deal while ignoring the public opinion of Americans and sidestepping the United States Congress as much as possible. He is rewarding Iran with billions of dollars so that it can continue its global terrorism and belligerence while embarking on a path to develop nuclear weapons over time. Iran, an avowed enemy of America since 1979, has been recognized and elevated by Obama without having to cease or even lessen its aggression and terrorism. America has very quickly reversed, without any good reason, its foreign policy toward Iran, which has been in place for over 35 years. These types of changes, like the sudden change in relations between the United States and Cuba, result from intentional and deliberate foreign policy decisions.
Obama also has helped reverse the gains the United States made against Russia under President Reagan. Very quickly, the United States is swapping roles with the "Evil Empire". The United States and the rest of the world had benefitted from the United States' role as the foremost super power for decades, making the world a better and safer place. Now, however, with Russia poised to capitalize on Obama's strategy of leading from behind and become the most dominant super power, the world, tragically, will have to endure more havoc and upheaval.
Obama also has abandoned the long standing American policy of not allowing Russia to obtain a strong foothold in the Middle East. Russia has now established a physical presence in Syria, which will further empower Iran and its terrorist allies. This complicates matters for the United States and its allies in the region, particularly Israel, which were already living under the threat of an emboldened and rising Iran. Russia will very likely continue its sophisticated arms sales to Iran in return for some of the billions of dollars Iran is to receive under the nuclear arms agreement. So, in the immediate future, Iran will obtain more sophisticated weapons, and within a decade or so, it could, under the agreement, be legitimately on a path to develop nuclear weapons. It is not a coincidence that Russia and Iran chose to openly strengthen their ties very shortly after the agreement was concluded, thereby slapping Obama, Kerry and the Administration in the face.
I do not believe that these fundamental changes in America and the world happened by accident or incompetence, especially when the leader of the free world told you ahead of time that the changes were coming. But yet, there is even more.
Of course, Obama and Administration officials get on stage and applaud themselves over how wonderful their foreign policy strategies (when they have any) are working. But any expert, analyst or K-12 student can see through that nonsense and deceit. If we were talking solely about incompetence, by now, one would reasonably expect that Obama and Administration officials themselves also would understand the damage their policies are causing, and back off and continue to lead from behind. But when it comes to Israel, Obama's ideology will not permit that. Instead, they are obsessed with forcing Israel into a dangerous "peace" deal with the Palestinians.
If it was incompetence, people at least learn from their mistakes, whether they admit to them or not. Obama and his Administration must truly see the dangerous predicament Israel is in and how much worse the situation has become since Obama has been in office. Obama and his Administration must know that now is exactly the wrong time to be forcing Israel into a "peace" deal. Israel is doing everything it can to survive on a daily basis. It is surrounded by enemies who do not recognize its right to exist and vow its destruction, including the Palestinians. The Islamic State is infiltrating Palestinian territories. A nuclear armed Iran will be enough of a threat, but now it has an even closer presence to Israel in Syria. And it is supported there by Russia, which will make it harder for Israel to respond to Iranian aggression. Israel can ill afford to relinquish control over any of its own land.
Obama himself has taken away any incentive for the Palestinians to negotiate or make any concessions in pursuit of a two-state solution. Instead, he makes it incumbent on Israel to concede to Palestinian demands. In the recent savage and horrific wave of Palestinian terrorism throughout Israel, which has targeted all Israelis, including women and young children, Obama and his Administration have been strikingly and disgracefully silent in condemning the Palestinians. Worse yet, when the Administration makes a statement, it disgustingly equates Palestinian terrorism with Israeli defense of its innocent civilians. These statements are obviously designed to support a pre-determined policy on Israel and the Palestinians. Obama and his Administration likely will reward the Palestinian terrorism by ratcheting up their pressure on Israel. Intentional and dangerous, yes. Incompetent, no.
Despite everything going on in the world today, particularly in the Middle East, Obama is still hell-bent on forcing Israel into a bad two-state solution with the Palestinians. Why the obsession? Why not lead from behind on this issue, like in the other instances all across the globe? A good K-12 student could recognize the dangerous predicament Israel is in now and how much worse off it is as a result of Obama's policies. So why doesn't Obama and his Administration understand it and back off? The same K-12 student could explain to Obama why a two-state solution would greatly jeopardize Israel's existence. This cannot be incompetence. It is an intentional and deliberate strategy based on ideology. While they are at it, the same K-12 student also should explain to Obama and Administration officials the meaning of terrorism, as apparently they do not recognize it when they see it.
If we were to credit Obama and his Administration with only being incompetent, it is safe to say that by now they would understand their disastrous and failed foreign policy. But, that would not be giving them enough credit. As Obama promised, he is fundamentally transforming America and the world through his intentional and deliberate foreign policies. If one needs more proof, they only need to look at his obsession with Israel.
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